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Jaime Albers

Graphic Designer

Behind each article layout in the Angus Journal is graphic designer Jaime Albers, who joined the team in 2018. A Saint Joseph, Mo., local, Jaime’s only experience with the agriculture industry was through a childhood friend with a family dairy in her younger years, but today she has fully embraced the beef industry.
After meeting her husband who owns a small Angus herd, she dove headfirst into the Business Breed. During their almost 15 years together, Jaime says they have come to experience the highs and lows of the industry together. The cattle have come to mean a lot to their family as Jaime’s two children are getting to experience first-hand how important the industry is through the eyes of their grandpa and dad.
She attended both Northwest Missouri State University and Missouri Western State University before coming to join the Angus Media team. She says she is thankful to work with the team to help play a part in producing a high-quality publication people of all backgrounds can enjoy and appreciate.

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